Saturday 11 February 2012


Over recent years, the Australian Government has conducted a privatized aid program in Papua New Guinea and has introduced massive corruption. Private companies have the opportunity to make large amounts of money and not give the required service to the client nation.

AIDS Holistics has watched the Australian lack of commitment to the national HIV/AIDS response over several years. The companies employed by AusAID have blatantly followed an agenda that bore no relationship to the needs of the people.

There has been a massive cover-up, the last being on the blog PNG Attitude at the hands of Keith Jackson. He has allowed deep criticism of the AusAID role.

But he totally censors any reference to the gay and lesbian agenda of Burnett Institute that he describes as a prestigious Australian medical body, not to be criticized. This is an organization that has employed homosexual advisors and threatened AIDS Holistics with defamation for saying so.

He had threatened the founder of AIDS Holistics with permanent banning if he ever mentions gays and lesbians on any report sent to his blog.

Jackson regarded any statement by the gay Director Professor Michael Toole as being sacrosanct and not to be questioned.

He was to be believed totally as a professional doctor when he described the founder of AIDS Holistics as being depraved, obsessive and anally-fixated. That was good enough for Jackson.

Professor Toole had a key gay role in the PNG AIDS response but was not registered as a doctor in this country. That may be why he employed Uncle Tom PNG doctors.

Toole does not appear to have specialist qualifications in HIV/AIDS but works at Monash University in a related field. Being a professor does not make the holder an expert in every medical field.

The gay and lesbian Burnett was corrupt in diverting the AIDS program into a homosexual project that was hostile to family, faith, marriage, men and the wantok system. There was no focus on helping people with HIV/AIDS. If he were a Chinese doctor working in China, Toole might well have been executed by now.

The Burnett campaign was all about right, rights and condoms. The focus was on women’s rights and the rights of boys and girls. All men were violent. All women were blessed virgins.

The media is starting to focus on violent women, women who sell sex and young girls seeking sex with men by mobile phone. Please click:

7 Jan 2012 – There was a report in the Papua New Guinea Sunday Chronicle from Lae
Polytechnic College in which a lecturer stated that student girls were ...

AIDS Holistics publicizes the Google reports on gay and lesbian domestic violence. The community has been conditioned not to think of woman-sex-woman WSW.

The fact remains that there are paedophile lesbians in Papua New Guinea. The senior paedophile lesbian works for the United Nations and is based in Fiji.

It would be interesting to find the person or organization with the contract for the Karamap condoms. They must be making millions of Australian tax payer dollars. The replenishment of supplies was vastly increased with condoms being distributed like lollies.

There was absolutely no message from Burnett on living with HIV/AIDS. What was the importance of nutrition? How does the virus attack the body? What of treatment of women who have been raped? How does a family respond to dementia? Please click:


Burnett employed unqualified amateur advisors who avoided any complicated message on HIV/AIDS. Their homosexuality got them the job. Throughout the last decade, Australian advisors bullied and bludgeoned their way through the national HIV/AIDS response.

Effort was made to silence the churches and medical profession. Churches were made to feel that if they opposed the foreign gay and lesbian agenda, there would be no funding.

Same sex marriage is still on the agenda for PNG, as well as adoption of children by foreign gays and lesbians.

Doctors were let to know that they would never be employed in the privatized campaign once their contracts ended. All they had to do was to publicize a medical opinion not supported by Australian homosexuals and paedophiles.

The most disgraceful act was the vilification and hatred leveled at AIDS Holistics for promoting a family Positive Living. Australians homosexuals were unable to stop the message and turned to a campaign of destroying the credibility of AIDS Holistics and founder. Please click:


The founder of AIDS Holistics was denied all funding and the right to work with a work permit. The Australian homosexuals thought that this would bring him to a dead halt. But their action only raised the level of commitment against corrupt Australians.

They did not count on his military pension from Australia and discrete funding from a number of Kokoda trekking companies and educational/training institutions.

Advice has come that the Australian homosexuals have threatened several Kokoda trekking companiesnot to use the founder of AIDS Holistics as a military trek leader. They have worked to block all sources of funding to AIDS Holistics.


But they have failed badly and their failure is known across the world. People of other nations are coming to understand that the homosexual lobby is in the hands of cowards, liars, cheats and back-stabbers. Please click:

And they cry crocodile tears to the community that they are discriminated against. Wait until the evidence is provided to put several Australian paedophiles behind bars.

If they are gaoled with the general prison population in Bomana prison in Port Moresby, they will find their meals are regularly spiced with human faeces. And they will be raped by every HIV infected prisoner in the gaol. Now that is discrimination.

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