Monday 13 February 2012


The scenarios below are intended for the first to third weeks of the Personal Development course.  The aim is to give a broad picture of life in Papua New Guinea and to show life in other cultures.
The text book in personal development gives a very narrow basis for understanding the issues that face the world. The issues below give a basic summary that will introduce the subject in the first 3 weeks of the grade 9 course. There will be another set in week three.
The big picture is the family and problems that face children growing up. There are problems of diet and early deaths of PNG men and women in their early 50s.
This is to be compared with older people in villages who follow a lifestyle that prolongs life. This leads to a study of body, mind and soul. Young people particularly boys take risks that are discussed.
We look at the problems of family that come through polygamy and unfaithful men and women. This is linked to family violence abuse of children and HIV/AIDS.
We look at the problems of incest and sex of adults with underage children. This is linked to family break-up and existence of street children. We look at the problems that children will have with incest of a parent or step-parent.
We look at the infection of HIV/AIDS. There is explanation of the physiology of infection and explanation of the transmission through sex.

We look at the physiology of the body with focus on the digestive tract and genitals. We look at the attack on the gut and slow death through infection, suffocation and starvation.

We look at problems that face families in caring for a HIV infected loved one who may be demented and violent with fearful hallucinations. We examine briefly the basics of Positive Living in relation to faith, family, nutrition, health, hygiene and avoidance of smoking tobacco and marijuana, home brew and drugs.

We look at violence of men to women, women to women, women to men and women to children. We discuss how violence in a family will be passed to children who become violent as they grow up.

We look at the status of women in PNG and compare with other countries. We look at honour killings in some Moslem countries and child brides.

By the end of the second week, we will have related what has been covered to the grade 9 text book in relation to personal growth, needs of a young person in relation to health, happiness and self esteem.

This is the big picture that will be expanded over months to come and developed in more detail.


PNG men and women die at 53 years.
Old men and women live until 80-90 years.
Old man of Naduri
Why do many people live long lives?
Why do many sex workers die young?-
Young men smoking marijuana
Deaths from homebrew.
Young men take risks.
Boys riding tops of trains.
Spanish boys and men chased by bulls.
Men have sex without condoms.
Men violent to women.
Women violent to men.
Are all men violent?
Some men have many wives and children.
Many wives and children starve.
Violence and abuse of children.
Rights and Responsibilities of family
Age of consent in Papua New Guinea
PNG men gaoled for incest.
Foolish men have sex with daughters
Men destroy daughters’ esteem.
The young man meets his abuser.
Snuff movies and paedophiles.
Young gay men in families.
Eating fruit, vegetables, grains and nuts
Teaching of the Seventh Day Adventists
Clean water
No smoking
Avoid alcohol and coffee.
Dementia brings paranoia
Hallucinations and delusions.
Old lady turned into a bird
Prime Minister in a helicopter
Sorcery and HIV/AIDS
Damian against the CIA
Child marriage by Moslems
Status of women.
Honour killings.
Honour killings in Jordan
Moslem man killed first wife and daughters.
Women circumcised
Men and women deliberately infect others.
Laws against deliberate infection.


There are still new students who have arrived. So this week will be devoted to a general revision of the basic plan above but with reference to the text book. At every point, there will be focus on the basics of weeks 1-4.

MONDAY: General revision of physiology of the body and infection with HIV/AIDS. There will be focus on the Sexually Transmitted infections including the HIV. Discussion on the problems of young boys and girls in the community in relation to predator men.

We examine the reasons why some men are preferring very young girls. We look at stranger danger for young children. This is focused on the students as young people and their brothers and sisters.

Homework: What dangers do young people face in the community? How can parents help their children? Why do parents want their children to be home each day before dark?

TUESDAY: We look at the needs of people as in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. We look at the roles of families and rights and responsibilities of all members. We examine the roles of older children. We look at the importance of self esteem and the ways in which self esteem can be built up/ destroyed. We examine violence.

Homework: Answer the following in your own words: What is esteem? How does a mother,  father and child gain esteem? How can they lose esteem?

WEDNESDAY: We revise the problems of HIV infection between mother and child that was covered the week before. We examine the role of breast milk in providing nutrients and antibodies. We look at the reasons why dogs have a runt in the litter. We revise the digestive system and the path of fat through the arteries and heart. We revise the rights and responsibilities in families.

Homework: What are the rights of a child? What are the rights of a parent? What are the responsibilities of parents? What are the responsibilities of older children?

THURSDAY: We revise the importance of nutrition and the eating of fresh fruit and vegetables. We look at processed food from the supermarket.

We examine the deaths of people through heart attack and refer to the path of fat through the heart. We look at why many old people in PNG villages live long while their children in the urban areas are dying young.

Homework: How do we take fat into our bodies? Why is supermarket food not good for us?  What are the most nutritious foods to eat? How does a heart attack occur?

FRIDAY: A short test will be given worth 10 marks for the final assessment. This will be based on a general overview of the basics promoted in the last fortnight. It will be simple so as to be fair to students who have just arrived.

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