Wednesday 2 November 2016


faith, hope, peace, love, truth, compassion, trust, patience, honesty, kindness, family, friends, forgiveness, fellowship, work, sleep, exercise, relax, clean water, morning sun, nutritious food, fresh vegetables, fruit, grains and nuts, rights, responsibilities, obligations, clean blood and tissues, clean in body, mind and soul AND FREEDOM FROM hate, greed, fear, stress, violence, rejection, infection, starvation, beer, home brew, tobacco, marijuana and drugs. and drugs 

Over the last 15 years, AIDS Holistics has worked hard to promote Positive Living and FAMILY amid the vicious hatred of Australian gays, lesbians and paedophiles. 

As the founder, I visited many care groups and was greeted in a kindly way as I taught the physiology and spirituality of HIV/AIDS awareness. 

My strongest supporters came from the Department for Community Development. I conducted short workshops in Port Moresby. I am a qualified teacher of biology and the most experienced teacher in the nation on biological and spiritual matters related to HIV/AIDS.

My only real problem came from a lazy old doctor who came to the Department for Community Development and sat in on some of my workshops. He was a retired surgeon with no real knowledge as a general practitioner.

He was embarrassed I am sure that he did not know much at all about HIV/AIDS. His only way to handle his own incompetence was to say that he was a doctor and knew best. 

He knew nothing about the attack of the virus on the small intestine and the path of the virus through the body.

He was Dr Moale Kariko who probably graduated from medical school fifty years ago and had not read a medical book since. Perhaps he had won his medical certificate in a village bingo game.

I started to hear that he was speaking against Positive Living but his words were not accepted by the welfare officers. He did not know so much about the subject. But he was saying that the Positive Living message was an unproven theory from an unqualified person.

About  two years later there was a meeting with delegates from some European organization with Morauta as chairperson. There was much contribution from the gathered audience. 

But then the founder of AIDS Holistics stood to speak about Positive Living and was promptly told to sit down by Morauta. Many people gasped at the obvious hatred on her part. 

After the meeting, I was approached by several people and asked to tell them about Positive Living. A small crowd gathered. 

Then the lazy old doctor Kariko appeared and told the crowd to leave as the Positive Living message was an unproven theory that had no place among the care groups. He ignored that Positive Living was the key message of the medical profession in the media to the present time.

He told me that I was not allowed to promote the message until it had been checked and accepted by him. In your dreams you lazy old twit.

But I took a copy of our handbook to his office and he never responded to this day. He was standing with Lady Roselyn Morauta in blocking the hated Positive Living message in support of the gay and lesbian agenda.

For his treachery, Kariko was made the senior medical advisor to the National AIDS Council. How better to block Positive Living but to appoint a lazy old fool doctor who just wanted to hide his incompetence. 

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