Wednesday 11 November 2020


I have been a teacher of Biology, Physiology and Personal Development to grade 12. I completed the HIV/AIDS message in 3 months in 2002. I graduated from the University of Queensland in post graduate studies. 

I helped people including AusAID advisors Cox and Watson who knew nothing of HIV/AIDS when they arrived in PNG. They were here for their share of the boomerang aid.

My dear son Jonathan died of AIDS in 2002 and his mother the year after. Cox and Watson would have rejoiced as it showed the failure of Positive Living. 

But Positive Living with fruit and vegetables only strengthens the immune system and slows down the decline. It is not a cure. Linda lived for 11 1/2 years after infection in 1991 from her husband. That is good. She lived on a market garden farm and ate mainly fruit and vegetables.

Jonathan died after 2 1/2 years. Like other babies, his immune system had not started yet. None of the AusAID scumbags sent messages of sympathy. Free ART was still 2 years away.

I spread out in 2003 and wrote a column in The National for 2 years, spoke with late Bonnar Tito on FM 100 and visited care groups to teach them the basics, including World Vision and Anglicare. I gave them a power point presentation.

But Watson and Cox were angry. It was obvious that they had no idea of AIDS awareness and focused on (1) condoms (2) violence of men and (3) abuse of women. They wanted to be the only people to give out the AIDS message that they did not know.

They decided to shut me down not ask me to help them. But I was FAMILY and FAITH focused and they were gay, lesbian and paedophile - anti-family and anti-faith. 

They wanted just to get rid of me and take over the message. I would have given it to them if they had been professional and asked for help. 

Cox wanted to steal the Positive Living book, edit and publish in her own name after I was put in prison, deported or killed. She tried and failed. 

They thought that cancelling the visa would get me deported without my daughters. They did not count on my friends in Government who knew of the work AIDS Holistics. We lead AIDS awareness then and now.

Watson had corruptly cancelled my visa and work permit that was being processed. Cox banned me from talking to care groups, telling them they would lose funding if they supported Positive Living. She told them I was a child molester and basher of women.

Watson then passed the fake news that Positive Living was a false message, full of errors and killed people particularly with fruit and vegetables. Stupid man. Did he and Cox not live in loving families that gave them nutritious food?

I had teamed up with Joe Lari and we planned to promote the message to families through a Family Positive Living Training Centre at 3 Angels Care supported by the Seventh Day Adventist church. 

That was brutally crushed with violence and attempted murder. The AusAID thugs had other people do the dirty work.

But even now, the difference between our approach is obvious. The check list below has 42 topics from AIDS Holistics and only 4 topics from AusAID and United Nations. Our messages are the results of practical experience.

Our message was finished 18 years ago with never an error found. AusAID paedophiles hated me for that.


Nature of HIV/AIDS

Means to infection

Damage to CD4 cells

Effect on immune system

Diarrhoea and shingles

Wait 3 months for testing

Early ART medication - not too early

ART destroys HIV in blood and lymph

HIV in hiding places of lymph organs

Danger of defaulting on ART

No smoking or boozing on ART

Two tracks of ART and the second with immunity.

Fruit and vegetables strengthens immune system

Strong immune system slows onset of AIDS by 1-2 years

No ART will make the immune system drop to death.

ART kills the HIV in blood but not in hiding places

Late AIDS - dementia, delusions, hallucinations

Dementia is caused by a dying brain not sorcery

Dementia brings fear of evil spirits come to kill

Loss of weight on arms, legs and face

Loss of hair, finger and toe nails - lack of protein

AMemory loss as the brain dies

With ART - build up of triglyceride on belly

Danger of heart problems and diabetes 2

Importance of nutrition with fruit and vegetables

Reduce cholesterol and saturated fats to the heart

With plant chemicals called sterols and stanols

Importance of condoms to protect others

Need for loving and caring family

Cooperation and respect for all

Peace, faith, hope and love

Daily exercise,

Clean water

Reduce stress and fear

Rights/responsibilities of family members

Dangers of gut parasites in gay men

HIV infection through a damaged anus

Dangers of anal damage in gay fisting

Dangers of Gender Based Violence

Dangers of same sex domestic violence

Parents keep watch over children

Stranger danger

Importance of family planning.



Use condoms

Violence of men

Abuse of women

Stigma and discrimination


Stewart Watson UNAIDS and AUSAID:

Positive Living is a fake message, full of errors that kills people

particularly fruit and vegetables

That is why I cancelled Copeland's visa and work permit.

Family and faith are not relevant in AIDS Awareness.

Professor Toole of Burnet:

Copeland is mentally ill, infects women and knows nothing 


Dr Kariko - silly old doctor:

Positive Living is an unproven theory

Elizabeth Cox UN WOMEN and AusAID:

Our team leader thought that Positive Living was rubbish.

So we trashed the Family Positive Living Training Centre.



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