Monday 2 November 2020


Fruit and vegetables strengthen the immune system. This means that HIV infected people can slow down the onset of the decline of the immune system with a diet of fruit and vegetables while waiting for the free ART. The COVID 19 people can survive with a strong immune system.

Living with HIV/AIDS: Diet and Nutrition--Entire Lesson

May 2, 2019 — Try eating cooked vegetables and soft fruits (like bananas and pears). Avoid very hot foods and beverages. Cold and room temperature foods will 

Eat more fruits and vegetables to improve your immune system. Five or more portions of fruits and vegetables daily significantly increase antibody response

May 2, 2019 — Protein builds muscles and a strong immune system. Carbohydrates (including vegetablesfruits, grains) give you energy. Fat gives you extra ...

Covid-19 does not treat us equally. Undernourished people have weaker immune systems, and may be at greater risk of severe illness due to the virus. At the 

A proper diet can ensure that the body is in proper state to defeat the virus. for food - Inadequate diet and infectious diseases can lead to severe malnutritionFor snacks, choose fresh fruits and raw vegetables rather than foods that are high in ...

AIDS Holistics has advocated strengthening the immune system for several years for HIV infected people especially those not yet on ART. Eating fruit, vegetables, grains and nuts will strengthen the immune system and slow the decline.

But our message has been sabotaged by AusAID and United Nations white trash who have told PNG and perhaps Pacific people that fruit and vegetables will kill us. They have no alternative to offer except malnutrition.

It has reached a point that their fake news is out in the open for all to see. They were seeking to destroy our Positive Living message by turning people off the advice we were giving. Their fake news has probably caused many deaths.

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