Sunday 8 May 2011


Over recent months, there has been severe criticism of the
work of AIDS Holistics from enemies who seek to destroy
our world teaching role. They do not oppose the message
as they have nothing to say. They just attack the messenger.

There are Christian friends who say we need to place more
faith in God. That may well be true. Though our mission is
based on the love, grace and power of God, we have to
accept that the Positive Living message will go out to the
non-believers and people of other faiths.

They say that we have to forget about the gay and lesbian
agenda and get on with the Positive Living message. We
can not do that as we have a teaching mission and need
to show the errors in the approach in the gay and lesbian
agenda particularly of the United Nations and Australian
aid organization AusAID seeking to dominate the Pacific

They focus on rights.
We focus on rights and responsibilities.

They focus on women, boys and girls.
We focus on family.

They talk of the need for condoms.
We emphasize family love and faithfulness.

They focus on violence of men.
We focus on loving and caring men.

They ignore love of men, women and children.
We focus on role models for all.

They focus on discrimination and stigma.
We focus on love, caring, dignity and respect.

They focus on the rights of sex for all.
We focus on marriage, dignity and love.

They tell us the church is wrong.
We accept the word of God.

They reject family, faith, men and marriage.
We base our message on these and more.

They want single-sex marriage.
We support heterosexual marriage.

Paedophiles want sex with children.
We support the age of consent.

Paedophiles infiltrate aid organizations.
We support family-focused advisors only.

They want the gay/lesbian lifestyle in schools.
We reject the lifestyle in school curriculum.

They want gay and lesbian churches and clergy.
We accept the will of God.

They want churches silenced on homosexuality.
We accept the will of God.

There are two options that are available. There is a loving and
caring family option. As well, there is an anti-family, anti-faith,
anti-marriage, anti-men and anti-parenting option. The families
have no option but to follow the family option. Gay and lesbian
activists have a hedonistic and pagan agenda.

AIDS Holistics has shouldered the response to the gay / lesbian
agenda and allowed churches to get on with faith, love and hope.
Had churches spoken out, they would have been punished starting
with blockage of funding. Our strength comes from God.

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