Friday 20 May 2011


Readers may not be aware that a massive change occurred to the
national HIV/AIDS response in Papua New Guinea over the last
6 months. Australian advisors were sacked en masse.

There was an Australian company that had brought advisors to this
country over a decade to promote an agenda that was not in the
interests of the nation. Their agenda was anti-family, anti-marriage,
anti-men, anti-faith and anti-parenting.

Their focus was not even in support of people with HIV/AIDS. It
supported a political agenda of rights and gender equity for women
and girls. Over the years, this company had been fiercely attacked
by AIDS Holistics.

The issue came to a head in the late 2010 and had repercussions in
Government circles in Port Moresby and Canberra. The Australian
Government responded in the twelve months before by addressing
the value for money of Australian advisors.

AIDS Holistics mounted a campaign to set the issue on email over
2 months posting 120 emails on a range of issues. This infuriated the
Australian advisors who commenced an anonymous hate campaign
on email with addressees to all where the founder of AIDS Holistics
was fiercely attacked.

He was accused of violence, abuse, paedophilia, full-blown AIDS,
dementia, womanizing, obsession and mental illness. This was a
similar attack in the hate campaign waged by gays and lesbians
in South Africa against author of the book The Pink Agenda.

"THE PINK AGENDA: Sexual Revolution in South Africa and the Ruin
of the Family", by Christine Mc Cafferty with Peter Hammond, the book

Reverend Peter Hammond was said to be a gun runner in Angola
responsible for deaths of thousands of men, women and children.
AIDS Holistics is in esteemed company.

The hate campaign spilled over to the Jackson blog whose author
decided to destroy all contributions from AIDS Holistics on a range
of issues on a false pretext that the blog was attacked.

Now the strict censorship of the PNG national HIV/AIDS response
became clear. The blog PNG Attitude was on the side of Australian
gays and lesbians for whatever reason.

The company sought to take credit for a drop in HIV infection with 
an anti-family agenda. Focus was on mass distribution of condoms
and rights for women, boys and girls.

They thought the more condoms given out to boys and girls, the
more successful their campaign. Their strategy had the potential
to escalate the AIDS pandemic not reduce it. They all knew that
to stop the pandemic was to kill the goose that laid the golden egg
for gays and lesbians.

So too, a family approach would put Australian gays and lesbians
in the unemployment line back in Australia. That is now happening.
Australian advisors should be sent here with their families.

It's positive: PNG's HIV/AIDS story improves - KEITH JACKSON'S PNG ...
6 Jan 2011 ... It's positive: PNG's HIV/AIDS story improves. BY MIKE
TOOLE. Toole_Michael IT IS indeed rare that a good news story on PNG
is published in ... -

But it was too late. The Australian Government had made their decision
and over 180 advisors were removed, many from consultancy in AIDS

Papua New Guinea really does not need input from Australian advisors
who have no interest in promoting a family approach nor of involving the

As a rear guard effort, the leader of the Greens movement came to PNG
towing a Trojan horse to present to a new Greens party. The nation may
not have been aware that he was the senior gay in Australian parliament.
He was out of his depth in this country.

The word is that there is now a more balanced approach in the national
HIV/AIDS response with family as the key focus in the agenda.

The leader of the project sent an email to the founder of AIDS Holistics
wishing that he dies in excruciating agony for damage caused by AIDS
Holistics. He was quite serious.

But he neglected to appreciate that the Australian foreign minister was an
addressee to all AIDS Holistics responses and all hate mail as well as key
decision makers in this nation.

History is being made here in the HIV/AIDS responses of the world. All
nations have to take ownership of a family agenda of their own campaign
and not allow foreign consultants to dictate what the agenda will be.

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