Monday 16 May 2011


As a student in high school, I studied modern history. A
key topic was the work of the United Nations. I read a
poem of a century ago that referred to death raining from
the skies and emergence of a world government to bring
peace to all.

It was supposed to prophesy the League of Nations after
World War 1.

We studied the failure of the League of Nations that was
slowly rejected by many nations particularly in a failure to
make decisions to slow the emergence of dictatorships.
We studied the work of the United Nations and rejoiced
that only good can come.

Organizations of the United Nations seemed to be doing
good for men, women and children of the world. There
was a declaration of the central importance of the family.
There were statements of rights for all, mainly children.
On the face of it, this was a key to the world future.

But times have changed over the last thirty years. The
United Nations is no longer family focused. Rights are
promoted without family or responsibilities.

A new power group has moved into the United Nations
with the impetus of the world HIV/AIDS response. They
have moved to help countries struggling with the pandemic
but are pulling a massive Trojan horse.

They have taken the charters of the United Nations that are
guidelines and given these the status of United Nations laws
to be signed and obeyed by nations. It beats standing for
parliament in all of the countries of the world.

Within the Trojan horse, there is a hidden contingent of gay
and lesbian men and women ready to promote rights for gays
and lesbians disguised as human rights. No one opposes human
rights. These people are on a real winner. Human rights is as
offensive as mother’s milk.

Human rights is offensive if not accompanied by responsibilities.
Then it comes down to the myth that all people have the right to
sit back and demand rights without work.

The United Nations gays and lesbians are working on  Christian
nations with the view that there should be no discrimination. That
means that gays /lesbians have inalienable rights no matter what
is written in the Bible or Koran.

They have come into Papua New Guinea to help with HIV/AIDS
but come up with another agenda. Apart from WHO, these people
know nothing about HIV/AIDS. They are more interested in telling
women, boys and girls about their responsibility-less rights.

They are not interested in family. They have picked and chosen what
the United Nations stands for. Family is not part of it. Focus on
children’s rights is teaching children to disobey their parents.

The United Nations one world government is turning into something
really nasty. The Moslems have always told us that. Children of the
world are being subverted to reject family and authority of parents.

Take the Charter of Rights of the child. How old is a child? It is
certain that a child is under the age of consent for most countries.
Yet children have the right of association. This is the killer clause.

Does that mean they can go wherever they want? Is that why Save
the Children interviews children without knowledge of their parents?

Does that means children can be counseled with advice hostile to
parents and family? That can happen in Papua New Guinea as the
Government is signatory to the Rights of the Child.

The nations of the world, signatories to the Charter should demand
a change. It should be written that all people have rights. But there
are people who are helpless due to young or old age and disability
who are allowed rights and not pressed to be responsible.

But all other people including growing children have to accept that
as they grow to maturity, they have responsibilities that accompany
every right. Primary responsibility is towards the family except those
who are orphans, abused and homeless.

But here we have a major loop-hole. The United Nations charters
are so detailed that families can be accused of abuse on all kinds
of matters.

No money for school lunches - abuse. Children not allowed to say
what they like – abuse. Children not allowed to go down the road to
stay with the family there –abuse.

A person dying of AIDS has the right to ARV drugs. Perhaps that is
a privilege more than a right. They have diminishing responsibility in
their conduct as dementia approaches.

Children have the right to education but responsibility to go to school
and study. They have the right to an opinion but the responsibility to
tell the truth and not unnecessarily hurt people.

Signatory nations in the world should advise the United Nations that
the Charter of Children’s Rights is null and void until balanced by the
amendments made on rights and responsibilities.

The United Nations has the responsibility to support family. We have
the right to expect that. Or United Nations may one day go the way
of the dodo and dinosaurs.

People of Papua New Guinea know what to expect as the result of
\domination and bullying from the gays and lesbians of the Australian
aid organization AusAID.

They follow the career path to Save the Children and United Nations.
They talk of discrimination but are the greatest discriminators on the
planet funded by the Australian tax payer.

The United Nations as a one world government is becoming its own
worst enemy. It has to be real about its statements on family.

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