Tuesday 24 May 2011


For many years now we have been reading reports in the media
on HIV/AIDS awareness. We should be getting smart to work
out the agenda of those making statements. It is really quite easy.

We read of violence of men and rights of women. We are told of
gender equity. Focus is placed on stigma and discrimination. Who
is telling us that? A gay / lesbian advisor from AusAID or United
Nations. They are giving an unbalanced, cold and general story.

Then we read of love, caring, family, rights, responsibilities, friends,
respect, patience and peace. Those are words of a family member,
or church leader. This is a broad approach that includes family,
men, women and children. That is the approach we should take

When we read messages of gays / lesbians, we find that they never
mention people. Churches, families and care groups talk of people
in specifics. We can not talk of love without mentioning the people.
We love our mother, father, aunty, uncle, brothers and sisters.

In the media was a report from Captain Jesse Wilson of US Navy
talking to students of the University of Technology. Did he have a
family or gay/lesbian message?

When teaching children to grow while practising right moral and ethical
values, it helps them to learn and understand core principles of life as
well as learning what to do for that society.

He told students not to hit women. Mother is the most precious person
in your life and your child’s first teacher. Mothers will love her children
dearly. He said respecting other people and treating them with dignity
was important in setting up a good life.

This is a loving family approach not gay / lesbian. The approach has heart.
It is not cold and accusing of only men.      

The family people talk of togetherness. Gays / lesbians just talk of violent
men. They never mention that gays and lesbians are violent too.

Domestic Violence | Gay & Lesbian Health Victoria
Domestic violence in lesbian and gay relationships has been an
under-researched area. Its importance, however, is beginning to be
recognised and ...www.glhv.org.au/?q=taxonomy/term/42 -

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