Wednesday 4 May 2011


For the last 10 years AIDS Holistics has been working within
the Papua New Guinea HIV/AIDS response with the family
message of  Positive Living. Our message is part of a world

Ten years ago, there were about a dozen reports on Google 
on Positive Living. Today there over 1000 reports on living
in families, nutrition, role models and many others.

Our message goes to all people. We were fiercely opposed
by Australian advisors in Australian aid organization AusAID,
Save the Children and the United Nations with an anti-family
strategy that focuses only on women, boys and girls.

We focus on family and roles of husbands/fathers, wives/mothers,
brothers/sisters and extended family. This is now the accepted
message of the churches in Papua New Guinea.

There is still a virulent resistance from the gay and lesbian groups
that steadfastly stick to a message of rights with no responsibilities,
condoms for boys and girls and violence of men towards women.

They resent enormously our message that includes making public
domestic violence of gays/lesbians and activities of paedophiles
in aid organizations all recorded on Google.

Domestic violence and sexual assault in same-sex lesbian
relationships. - Cached - Similar

Paedophiles infiltrate aid charities | UK news | The Guardian
22 Jul 1999 ... British paedophiles are targeting charities and aid
agencies in developing countries in an attempt to gain access to
We are very grateful for the professional approach of Google in
allowing the messages to be posted. If gay/ lesbian /paedophile
movements have messages to give out, Google would post their
reports too. But their message is hidden and unavailable to the

Their message is disguised in gender equity / rights. They ignore
that equity / rights for women would be supported in the world
by countless millions of men.

But they do not want that. Men are enemy. And that is the fatal
flaw in their call to the world. Power not rights is the real agenda.

Through the United Nations, they have set up rights so detailed
that they can accuse most families of abusing children.

This means that if they take over welfare in a country like Papua
New Guinea, they can seek to take most children into care on
the basis of abuse of rights. It is a sinister trick. They claim that
gays and lesbians make lovely parents. They bash their lovers
12 Nov 2010... child protection experts who seek family models in
which violence does not occur." ... Read more: Children of lesbian

Shelters must be developed for children and their fathers who live in ...
Studies of intra-lesbian violence provide further evidence of the ... - Cached - Similar

Locations - Welcome To The Family Domestic Violence Website
Advocates for Family Domestic Violence Services are committed to
providing services for lesbians and their children who are or have
been victims of domestic ... - Cached - Similar

Lesbian moms vulnerable when abused, reluctant to seek help
21 Feb 2011 ... Lesbian moms who are experiencing intimate
partner violence are often reluctant to seek help for fear of losing
custody of their children, ... - Cached - Similar

Already a gay paedophile man in this country has sought to take my
children into care on the basis of abuse. He was senior officer of the
National AIDS Council. What a joke. He forgot that sex with a boy
is not just abuse but violation of the soul.

Let’s see. We are taking these kids into care because …the father
will not let them go out at night ,,, he insists that they wash their own
uniforms….punishes them for their actions….makes them clean up
the house…..obviously a case of abuse.

Families have to stay strong. They must support the growing family
approach of churches. It is important that children are looked after
with both rights/ responsibilities. Fathers and mothers have to live
within their rights and responsibilities.

A gay/lesbian strategy is based on the premise that children belong
to the state not to parents. This is partly correct. They are working
to infiltrate the government functions to enable them to take control
of children. They have to become judges of the courts too.

Gay, lesbian and paedophile activists are terrorists pretending to be
the moral guardians of the women, boys and girls. Their agenda is
focused on their own needs and a view of a restructured society.

But family, marriage, men and church have to be destroyed.


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