Friday 21 October 2011


Over the last 9 years, AIDS Holistics has been seriously attacked by AusAID and UN advisors desperately seeking to kill the family message.

The founder of AIDS Holistics started promoting Positive Living when baby son and mother were diagnosed HIV positive.

He was counselled by a specialist doctor now working at Hobart Hospital. Soon the message was out that a person could live long through Positive Living.

In early stages, there was a very cordial co-operative working relationship with AusAID advisors.

They knew very little about HIV/AIDS and were tutored by the founder who was a teacher of Biology and Physiology. There was no hint of the hatred to be directed against the founder within 12 months.

The problems started when the founder formed AIDS Holistics and started talking through the media on Positive Living.

The AusAID Care and Counselling officer Elizabeth Cox was angry. At one stage she screamed at the founder that she had spent most of her life on the periphery.

She said she would destroy him before he sent her back to the periphery. So she set about destroying AIDS Holistics, the founder and the Positive Living message. This was one crazy old lady with no idea of team spirit. It was all about her. Now she is a senior officer in UN women's affairs.

She demanded that he remove FAMILY and FAITH from the Positive Living message. She sought the support of the deputy team leader Stewart Watson.

Both said that family and faith were not relevant. As Head of UNAIDS in the Pacific, Watson still holds to his original hatred of the family and faith message. That is why what he writes is total hypocrisy. Read on.

Presenter: Stuart Watson
Why Human Rights Must be at the Centre of HIV Responses - the UNAIDS
Perspective. Stuart Watson. UNDP PSRC, RRRT, UNAIDS HIV, Human Rights
and ... - Cached - Similar

Human rights from UNAIDS are for gays and paedophiles. What about human rights for families? - AH

The founder had not yet worked out that Cox and Watson were lesbian and gay respectively and setting up an anti-family strategy.

When the founder refused to remove Family and Faith, Cox and Watson had AIDS Holistics secretly banned by AusAID and the UN.

They went further to justify their actions by spreading the word that the founder was a violent, child molester and wife beater. This was their professional reason for banning AIDS Holistics and pouring scorn on Positive Living.

Cox in particular sought to destroy the founder completely. False information was the cause of the violence against the founder at 3 Angels Care. If it ever came to Court, all fingers would point back to Cox.

She is now the Head of UN Women in Fiji. She is the closest the founder has ever seen to being an office psychopath. And she is leading Pacific Women. She is a liar, seeking to destroy all opposition, disloyal, focused only on herself, cheating, setting people up for destruction and following a vicious agenda.

UN Women is now working to teach PNG women to be good politicians in the 22 reserved seats. The hidden agenda would be to push lesbians into the seats and teach women to be liars, cheats and bent on causing confrontation among parliamentary men.

She was followed in her job by lesbian Sharon Walker who was a bully, not very bright and continued the hate campaign against the founder of AIDS Holistics. She told PLWHA at 3 Angels Care to get rid of the founder who was temporary caretaker. The Positive Living Training Centre had to be destroyed.

23 May 2011 ... A PLOT TO MURDER. The Positive Living message started
in 2001 with ... lesbians did not want a Family Positive Living centre to be set up. - Cached - Similar

Watson was busy setting up a gay and paedophile infrastructure for himself and his gay mates. He continued this as the present Head of UNAIDS in the Pacific.

The UNAIDS agenda is for everyone to have sex with everyone and for families to be broken down. This was a view expressed by a UNAIDS officer at a recent Ministers' Fraternal in Port Moresby.

14 Aug 2011 ... He distinguished himself in PNG by his fierce opposition to Positive Living with
FAMILY and FAITH. He was the one who had AIDS Holistics ... - Cached - Similar

5 Jun 2011 ... Labels: UNITED NATIONS BURNS BRIDGES .... A problem comes
with family. To live by Positive Living, one needs to live with close support of - Cached - Similar

The attack on AIDS Holistics has continued through to 2011. In December 2010, there was a fierce email attack by anonymous gays and lesbians headed by gay Professor Michael Toole and gay supporter Keith Jackson of the blog PNG Attitude.

Jackson claimed the founder of AIDS Holistics had no knowledge of HIV/AIDS. Twit. He advised people to ignore this blog.

He probably can not handle the fact that after being posted for 6 months, this blogspot has attracted almost 10,000 hits as of October 2011, half from PNG readers. Not in the league of a blogspot of pinups of Justin Bieber but still not bad.

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