Saturday 22 October 2011


The year 2011 has seen the formation of the Greens Party in Papua New Guinea heralded by Senator Bob Brown of the Greens Party of Australia and senior gay activist.

Gay Marriage | Bob Brown - Similar

29 Sep 2010 – Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown says the Greens will work hard with the ...

And 57% support same-sex marriage," Senator Brown said. ...

His arrival preceded student debate on legalizing gay and lesbian sex at the Divine Word University by gay paedophile Sir Peter Barter. In attendance was gay retired Australian judge Michael Kirby. The side for the positive won with a fairly simple minded argument.

So much has happened in gay and lesbian politics in Papua New Guinea. All events are linked. The first was the move to decriminalize gay, lesbian and paedophile sex and sex with sex workers.

Of course sex workers would be heterosexual, gay and lesbian, adults and underaged boys and girls. It was all for the benefit of foreign contract workers and sex tourists.

The Australian Federal Police would be ready to protect the PNG boys and girls from heterosexuals not working for AusAID.

There were 22 reserved seats being considered in parliament for women. This would be the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for foreign lesbians.

There was an increase in activity of UN Women, particularly in the Sepik, the home province of the lesbian Head of UN Women.

There was a project in water reticulation to villages in the Sepik in which the NGO Help Resources was involved as early electioneering and surveying young Sepik women as potential lesbians.

It is all part of the move of gays and lesbian activists to control parliament through 22 women's seats. UN Women has been conducting courses to prepare women.

The word is that there is a struggle among women to be parliamentarians. Some women have come into the process to be advisors but they want to be politicians instead. Will lesbian UN Women be seeking to select the best women?  Not a wise move.

The nation has to watch the Greens Party. With Dorothy Tekwie as president, there are many environmental issues. Present members may not realize the PNG Greens have a hidden gay and lesbian agenda just like their opposite number in Australia.

The Greens Party may end up dominated by those supporting Senator Bob Brown and lesbian Elizabeth Cox. The Greens may well end up being dominated and manipulated by the Greens of Australia and UN Women.

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