There was a time when Keith Jackson had nothing but praise for the founder of AIDS Holistics. He wrote a report to tell all readers on his blog that the founder of AIDS Holistics was the General in his books. The letter of the General was even quoted on the Google report below:
Of the Admiral, the General ... and Moses - KEITH JACKSON'S PNG ...
14 Jul 2010 ... Of the Admiral, the General ... and Moses. BY KEITH JACKSON ....
I enjoy writing to your blog. It is amazing how PNG issues have melded into ...
- Cached - Similar
Jackson welcomed any criticism on his blog of AusAID in Papua New Guinea. But any mention of the AusAID gay and lesbian agenda was forbidden on threat of banning from his blog.
The threat to the founder of AIDS Holistics is on our email file. The subject of gay and lesbian agendas was never pursued on the Jackson blog. So why did Jackson attack AIDS Holistics the way he did?
Pacific islands accuse AusAID of coercion - KEITH JACKSON'S PNG ...
- Cached - Similar
Jackson welcomed any criticism on his blog of AusAID in Papua New Guinea. But any mention of the AusAID gay and lesbian agenda was forbidden on threat of banning from his blog.
The threat to the founder of AIDS Holistics is on our email file. The subject of gay and lesbian agendas was never pursued on the Jackson blog. So why did Jackson attack AIDS Holistics the way he did?
Pacific islands accuse AusAID of coercion - KEITH JACKSON'S PNG ...
31 Aug 2011 ... BY DANIEL FLITTON AusAID HAS BEEN ACCUSED of strong-arm tactics in the
south Pacific by seeking ... KEITH JACKSON'S PNG ATTITUDE ...
south Pacific by seeking ... KEITH JACKSON'S PNG ATTITUDE ...
But the relationship soured in late 2010 when the Positive Living message and founder of AIDS Holistics were seriously attacked by anonymous gay and lesbian supporters in Papua New Guinea.
For two months, they wrote emails to all to announce that the founder was homophobic, child abuser, womaniser and full blown AIDS, all of which were false.
There was Professor Toole of Burnett, major AusAID corrupt organization in Papua New Guinea abusing the founder by telling all that he was quite anally fixated, mentally ill and obsessed. This was a response to community advice of the anal sex and gut parasites of gays.
Out of nowhere, a former friend Jackson started to denounce the founder of AIDS Holistics in his campaign in support of family, calling him homophobic, self-styled HIV/AIDS expert, no qualifications and causing damage to the community with false advice. He advised the community to ignore all advice for their own safety.
Keith Jackson & Co: PNG ATTITUDE: PNG Attitude
13 – Your chance to input Australia's PNG policy (Keith Jackson). ...... from Post
Moresby-based self-styled HIV/AIDS activist and homophobe Bruce Copeland. ... - Cached - Similar
Jackson claimed the founder was attacking his blog by writing under pen names on....wait for it.....Outcome Based Education, Mastery Learning, Ramu NiCo, Magadus Square as yellow fin tuna breeding grounds and pollution of the Ramu and Sepik Rivers. A report in the media recently stated that the Sepik River was dead.
The founder of AIDS Holistics had several friends help him with information. Much of what Jackson deleted from his blog is now on the Family Positive Living blog, especially Outcome Based Education. The founder of AIDS Holistics is an experienced teacher and Mastery Learning designer.
Jackson denounced him for criticizing Dame Carol Kidu for her support of the gay and lesbian legislation and for criticizing Secretary for Health Dr Malau who has ended his term of office under a cloud. The Jackson blog criticizes one and all in PNG politics. More than slight hypocrisy there.
Now Copeland attacks PNG's head of health - KEITH JACKSON'S ...
28 Jan 2011 ... BY KEITH JACKSON SELF-PROCLAIMED HIV/AIDS guru, email spammer,
reputation trasher and PNG visa overstayer Bruce Copeland is up ...
Jackson had much to say on the founder of AIDS Holistics in deeply criticizing the gay / lesbian agenda of Professor Toole of gay Burnett. He seemed to think that being a professor meant that Toole knew all.
reputation trasher and PNG visa overstayer Bruce Copeland is up ...
Another word on a man to be ignored - KEITH JACKSON'S PNG ...
29 Jan 2011 ... BY KEITH JACKSON I AM SORRY to pester loyal readers with
more Bruce Copeland. ... For me, that is, because Copeland continued to oafishly,
crudely ... Indeed, Dame Carol Kidu (is there a more revered politician in PNG)
1 Jan 2011 ... BY KEITH JACKSON IT WAS UGLY while it lasted. ... It all began
for me with an irritated email from Prof Michael Toole, Head of the Centre for ...
Jackson had much to say on the founder of AIDS Holistics in deeply criticizing the gay / lesbian agenda of Professor Toole of gay Burnett. He seemed to think that being a professor meant that Toole knew all.
Jackson waxed eloquent in praise of the report of Professor Toole that the HIV infection in Papua New Guinea was falling. Only today, there is a report in the Post Courier that the rate has been on the rise.
So much for the expertise of absentee AIDS worker Toole who seems no longer involved in PNG. Professor Toole was in error.
It's positive: PNG's HIV/AIDS story improves - KEITH JACKSON'S ...
6 Jan 2011 ... BY MIKE TOOLE IT IS indeed rare that a good news story on PNG is ... it was
pleasing to read a report that HIV infection rates may be declining.
pleasing to read a report that HIV infection rates may be declining.
Jackson is a total amateur on HIV/AIDS. He does not understand the role of AIDS Holistics nor expertise, experience and studies of the founder of AIDS Holistics. He has no basis for understanding physiology of HIV/AIDS. He assumes that being blogmaster makes him omnipotent in all understanding.
He has sided with the gays and makes veiled threats to the founder of taking him to Court for saying so. He seems to want to stop the family Positive Living message.
Whether or not he is gay is not part of the issue. The fact that he supports the gay agenda is the key issue here. Why would he try to destroy the family message and by default or design, support the anti-family, anti-faith, anti-marriage, anti-parenting and anti-men strategy of the international gays and lesbians?
POSITIVE LIVING at 20:38 ...
The lesson is never to treat the friendship of Jackson seriously. One
moment Jackson's peacock. Next moment Jackson's feather duster.

Posted by: Robin Mead | 26 July 2010 at 07:05 PM
I would not want any of them to give up sharing their experiences and views we need to think hard at building good relations between Australia and PNG.
Keep the good comments coming and please do not stop, we all need your interesting insights and analysis of what's happening so we can do better in future.
I have lived in this country for 16 years and greatly miss the Aussie connection. In PNG, I speak in a form of English that is devoid of humour that goes over the head of grassroots people.
That is why I enjoy trekking Kokoda. I spend a week with a group of Aussies with smart-arse take-the-mickey humour. I find myself right in amongst it in about 20 minutes. Once an Aussie always an Aussie.
I train for Kokoda by writing to your column. I enjoy the unique way of talking of Aussies who write to your blog. My humour is sharpened. Many PNG people who have had much to do with the Australians enjoy the Aussie sense of humour.
I use humour as a teacher. There is a PNG approach that if a point is important, it has to be repeated. I take it a step further. If it is important, it needs be the core of a joke. Then people remember.
You will occasionally find humour spliced into my reports to your blog. That is my trademark. But with a flick of the wrist, humour can have a deep bite. I do that too. So much in this country is not funny.
I enjoy writing to your blog. It is amazing how PNG issues have melded into a big picture.
It's quiet harmless and healthy, and does bring out some good ideas (I hope) for discussion, and helps find some solutions to how best we can strengthen the mateship between Australians and Papua New Guineans.
Email exchanges do takes place between us if need be; all in good faith. We do this to iron out any misunderstandings behind the scenes, so the online discussion, hopefully, will be a bit more fair and balanced.
And try to cover most relevant angles, no matter how contentious a subject may be.
Personally for me, I enjoy a friendly fight in the ring or the rugby field (reminds me of my military boxing and rugby days). I see these jousts more as a challenge, and a great learning experience for me to broaden my horizon in the pages of PNG Attitude.
I am learning all the time from what I read here from the professional experiences of people like Keith Jackson, John Fowke, Bruce Copeland, Paul Oates, Phil Fitzpatrick, Rosco Williams, Des Martin, Colin Huggiebear, Joe Wasia, to name a few.
So KJ, thanks for the compliments and there's more good stuff coming to the forum in the next few months. As John Fowke says, it comes from the heart as I pen them. Like the General and Moses, I too have been out in the sticks roughing it out with the common people for many years.
This gives me a good chance to present issues from most levels - tactical, operational and strategic - to critically appraise PNG-related issues and to bring them to the pages of the PNG Attitude through the eyes of a pure-bred Papua New Guinean (with nationalist and patriotic flavour, without fear or favour).
I try to present issues from different aspects from someone who has over many years, like Bruce and John, seen, experienced and lived though the trials and tribulations of surviving in PNG away from the so-called ivory towers from both sides of the Coral Sea.
Posted by: Reginald Renagi | 15 July 2010 at 09:54 AM